The perfect wedding starts with a welcome aperitif

The thrill of a wedding starts when the happy couple, side by side, take their vows inspired by love and respect. And when the ceremony is over, the celebrations get going: and we have to say, this is the best part of any wedding. 

Where to start? From the welcome aperitif! This is the best way to entertain the guests while waiting for the bride and groom to arrive after the customary photographic service. 

Whether outdoors or indoors, set up in an intimate or a more informal space, the welcome aperitif is a convivial moment that has to be thought through extremely well to make it a unique, special and unforgettable experience. 

Some fundamental aspects must be considered when organising this moment, to ensure that every detail is perfect: 

  • Consider the timing, to ensure that the guests don’t get bored or have to wait too long. 
  • Offer a range of drinks, including some alcohol-free variants 
  • The choice of food must be attractive yet light, to avoid binging, which would ruin the appetite for later 
  • And pay attention to the entertainment: whether live music or a playlist, the volume must be pleasant for everyone, allowing the guests to chat freely. 


Organising a welcome aperitif at Tenuta La Valle 


We know that as soon as the guests start to arrive, they must be welcomed in a manner that lives up to their expectations, making them feel welcome and entertained as they wait for the bride and groom to arrive.  

The staff at Tenuta La Valle can help you to plan a welcome aperitif before the actual reception, making this moment the build-up to a great taste experience. 

Here are some of our suggestions for an aperitif, small yet effective details to meet even the most demanding tastes and help create the right, relaxed, elegant and convivial atmosphere that will accompany the whole event:  

  • Buffet islands set up in the garden  
  • A wide selection of finger foods, including cheeses, cold cuts, tempting informal snacks  
  • Don’t forget a choice of excellent Tuscan foods and wines 
  • Flutes of chilled Prosecco   
  • Refreshing alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails 

Don’t hesitate to contact the staff at Tenuta La Valle for a quote that will meet your needs! We remain at your disposal to help you organise your dream wedding. 



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